Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis Ku Shen 9g Clears Heat, dries Dampness and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi 9g Calms the Spirit, sedates the Heart, reduces abscesses and dissipates swellings.
Sm. Impatientis Ji Xing Zi 9g Disperses Blood Stagnation, regulates Qi, softens hardness, disperses tumors, removes toxins and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong 9g Nourishes Lung and Stomach Yin, clears the Heart and eliminates irritability.
Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi 9g Regulates and descends Qi, adjusts the Middle, relieves the diaphragm, dries Dampness and transforms Phlegm.
Rz. Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Huang Yao Zi 9g Resolves Phlegm, dissipates nodules, reduces masses, clears Heat, reduces toxicity and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi 9g Invigorates the Blood, dispels Blood Stasis, Eliminates toxins and alleviates pain.
Rx. Arnebiae/Lithospermi Zi Cao 9g Clears Heat, cools the Blood, invigorates Blood circulation, relieves Fire toxins and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian 9g Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin, cools the Blood, stops bleeding and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen 6g Invigorates the Blood, dispels Blood Stasis, clears Heat, soothes irritability, cools the Blood, reduces abscesses, nourishes the Blood, calms the Spirit and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Rx. Trichosanthis Tian Hua Fen 6g Drains Heat, generates Fluids, transforms Phlegm, relieves toxicity, expels pus, reduces swelling and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Corneum Erinacei Ci Wei Pi 6g Removes Wind and disperses Cold Promotes the movement of Qi and controls pain Removes Phlegm
Os Costaziae Fu Hai Shi 10g Clears Heat from the Lungs, transforms Phlegm, softens hardness and dissipates Phlegm nodules.
Bul. Allii Xie Bai 10g Unblocks Yang Qi, disperses turbid Phlegm, alleviates pain, disperses hardenings, disperses Cold Phlegm and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
With Wu Ling Zhi, for painful obstruction of the chest.
Hb. Solani Lyrati Shu Yang Quan 15g Dispels Heat and Dampness, removes toxins, regulates the circulation of Qi, invigorates the Blood, dispels Phlegm and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Fol. Ponciri Gou Ju Ye 15g Promotes the circulation of Qi, dissipates nodulation and stops vomiting and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Fr. Trichosanthis Gua Lou 15g Clears Lung Heat, transforms Hot Phlegm, regulates Qi, reduces abscesses, dissipates nodules and eliminates pus.
Hb. Salviae Chinensis Shi Jian Quan 12g Invigorates, cools and nourishes the Blood, calms the Shen, relieves Heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis, dissipates nodulation, reduces swelling and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Clears Heat
  • Dries Dampness
  • Resolves toxicity
  • Moves Qi
  • Invigorates the Blood
  • Breaks up Blood Stasis
  • Resolves hot Phlegm
  • Dissipates nodules
  • Inhibits the growth of cancer cells
  • Lung Heat with Qi, Blood and Phlegm Stagnation
  • Progressive dysphagia
  • Vomiting after eating
  • Fixed, palpable masses
  • High fever or
  • Fever
  • Aversion to Heat
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness (neither activity nor resting brings relief)
  • Heat sensation in the chest
  • Thirst
  • Has urge to vomit but cannot
  • May have dark yellow urine
  • Pain that is fixed, stabbing and /or severe or
  • Pains that move around
  • Distention
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Pan is worse with pressure
  • Dark complexion
  • Bleeding with clots
  • Purple lips
  • Purple nails
  • Dry skin
  • Blue, dark or purplish discoloration of skin in small or large areas
  • Varicose and spider veins
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Tendency to hemorrhage dark blood or clots
  • T: Red or Purple with possible purple or red spots
  • C: Yellow
  • P: Rapid or Forceful and rapid or Choppy and rapid or Wiry and choppy and rapid